LPA & Fundraising Masterclass

Welcome to this program, composed of 4 online sessions – in the first 3 sessions we will get into the mechanics of an LPA, while the 4th session will be focusing on the practice of fundraising (from a regulatory overview to an insight into the biggest fundraising practices in London and the US).

These online sessions will remain available until 5th September – in order to get the most out of it, we recommend that you watch each one of them in a quiet environment, allowing the same sort of sustained attention as a live in-person presentation, and that you go through them in the order indicated below.

Please make sure to watch all of them by 5th September and do pay close attention to these monitored sessions, as you will have the opportunity to then address all practical questions to the speakers at LPA-Fundraising@arendt.com.

With your input, we will be organizing a Q&A session early September, which will close this learning program.

We truly believe you will find this program greatly helpful in your day-to-day practice and we hope that you will enjoy these few hours of discussion on these central pieces.

The LPA / Fundraising masterclass speakers

Session Duration Speakers  
Session I – LPA : Formation, Admission of Partners and Management 1 hour 30 min.  
Session II – LPA: Investments, Commitments, Fees, Reporting 1 hour 25 min.  
Session III – LPA: Waterfall, Transfers, Termination 1 hour 21 min.  
Session IV – Fundraising  1 hour 49 min. Carl de la Chapelle